Svenska Deutch

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From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego
Alpencross 2007

since May 2006  

2006-10-19 From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego - Mexico
Updated: 2007-10-11   PHOTOS

Tecare - San Cristobal de la Casas 27. Sept. - 19. Okt. 2006

We remained still another one day in San Diego. We got along in this bulk city already completely well and although we are not friends of large cities, we felt here correctly well. We felt the Americans as very open, nice people and have only good experiences made… We said good-bye in the morning 27. Of September von Ira, Dana and Aliza, to the parting still baked cookies had so nicely accepted and received us as travel provisions. On a small road we drove direction Tecate, where we wanted to cross the border to Mexico. Tijuana would have been closer, but wanted to escape we the Trubel of a large border crossing. We were already strained, as we probably pierce ourselves with our few breaking into Spanish warden… And then we already were at the border. We locked still another liability insurance for our motorcycles and let them register, filled out still a few forms, no humans ever lessen become and got our stamps for the entry. Now we were thus in Mexico, but there nevertheless some more was in our passports: the green map, which one gets with the entry into the USA and with the departure again deliver must. Now we had not left the country however already in Mexico however from the USA ofiziell yet. We had thus again back and although we had to cross for it only the road, that was so simply, not at all nearly not possibly. After long explanations the American customs officers had over there-let us and we nevertheless still became the notes loose and everything had his correctness. In one hour everything was settled and we could further. As the first we made acquaintance with the Topes, increases in the road at each local being course, - for exit and often also in the place few times. There stand then usually people, which sell something to woollen and also stands are in these places only in the Schrittempo over-drive warden can. Usually they are from Asfalt or concrete, often in addition, metal hemispheres in the size of honey melons crosswise over the road. With the motorcycle a special challenge… We spent our first night in Mexico somewhat sueddlich from Ensenada, where we saw the first times Slumsiedlungen, on a small, nice camping site. On the Mex.1 gieng it the Baja California direction the south, times in the interior by the desert with enormous, approx. 6m high Kakteen and 42Grad C, times at the west coast along woe s foggy was cold and (approx. 22Grad C). Between heat and cold weather were usually less than 10km. The roads are not very narrow and it give Pannenstreifen or flanks. If it will meet two LKW´s correctly closely. In Bahia de Los Angeles at the east coast of the Baja California we made two days rest at the sea, hir without nebulas. The desert is enough to to the bank. It has very large fish and skates to swim directly at the edge of bank and one must much watch out that one does not hurt oneself drauftritt and. We got two fish, filetiert, given and Let us Inge-borrow them for lecker prepared. Far giengs by the desert after San Ignacio, an oasis in the interior. An underground river comes hir for a few hundred meters to the surface, before it disappears again under the desert. Dattelpalmen grow and also otherwise a heap of greens. Also the traces of the last Hurricans, which raged hir three weeks ago ago, are to be seen everywhere. We found a place to the campen, straight where the river to the surface come. There was neither shower nor water. One had to get the water for the toilet from the river. We got also a barrel with water to our campground. The owner of camping site must mud-eat, which are stone hard in the meantime, by hand away-digs because it the money for machine assistance is missing. Thus it digs in the early morning hours and in the evening piece by piece freely…

On the next morning we made ourselves timely on the way, in order to drive the 70km to Santa Rosalia, to a port, with halfway bearable Themperaturen. We wanted with a ferry on the mexicanische mainland after Creel in the mountains, because on the coming weekend a motorcycle meeting should take place there. Thus we missed the allegedly so beautiful south of the Baja, but we decided nevertheless for Creel, because we expected from other travelers information. Unfortunately no ship and we drove had up to the next day to wait on this day. We bought the tickets and also the registration of our motorcycles first were time controlled. In Santa Rosalia, which we did not feel as place our journey haesslichsten so far gave it a camping site and also the hotel straight did not look inviting. Since we in view of the temperatures experiments to die did not want drove we zuruech to San Ignacio and spent the day with to sweat. We wanted to refuel eigendlich still, since however straight times power failure was, gabs also no Sprit. On the next morning we stood around half nine at the port. Before it however on the ship gieng we had again by the tariff. The Zoellner wanted to control our whole luggage. We began to loosen pedantically the clamping belts. Since the gentleman in uniform however then nevertheless too slowly gieng, we could pass it uncontrolled, after we had insured that we carry neither weapons nor drugs. Thus we came then on board the probably slowest ferry of the world! On the boat straight times place was for a truck, 5PKW´s and our motorcycles. Everything was fastened. We expected for instance a storm Twenty minutes in former times as after timetable we left the port and we were glad that we were over punctual. On deck and we were 3 floors under deck were glowing hot into the only area, that to the Gluck were air-conditioned and regarded on two small Fernsehaparaten Hollywoodfilme without clay/tone for it with Spanish sub-title. After three hours we went again upward. It was still intolerablly hot, no wind and one could even the port still good see. Finally we needed long passage for the 150km 11 hours and reached with darkness the port of Guaymas. In the city bwar it dirty and schwuehl. We wanted to look for no camping site at the night and went to two km far away from the port into a hotel, where we could turn our motorcycles off in the inner court. It had a few Kakerlaken in the room, but thus one must live stop. The Viecher is by the way condemned fast. In the morning-grey we left the city and drove only the Pan Amerikane Rtg. The south, before we on a small Nebenstrass of full impact holes Rtg. The east slowly up drove. Air was full butterflies, which in-sizzled like rains on us. We looked as geteert and fitted with springs. On the road still zigtausende enormous grasshoppers except the holes, which paired themselves or up-ate mutual, were. 2 days long we screwed ourselves more highly and more highly. The mountains are very fissured and the road very much bent. We progressed only slowly. We reached Creel on 2350m u M. On the search for a camping site it surveyed Inge-borrows that Tobias before the nervigen Topes braked and drove to it from the rear into the motorcycle. Except a bent number sign and a small fright however nothing happened.
We enjoyed the cool Themperaturen and needed at the night for a long time again once the sleeping bag. Too early there unfortunately one had announced us a wrong date for the motorcycle meeting and so was we one week. So long we did not want to remain then in addition, and drove on in such a way we after 2 days. We drove one week by Zentralmexico on partially cord-straight roads by Hochebenen, always between 1800 and 2800m u M. the landscape were not uncomfortable in addition, not particularly inviting a little variedly, usually treelessly. There were camping sites no and also wildly campieren was impossible. The way led us constantly Rtg southeast, past at the cities Parral, Durango, Zacatecas, Aguas Calientes, Leon, in Guanajuato visited we mummified corpses and hardly found more from the city outside. In a roundabout we drove in the wrong direction and for it around a hair punishment would have paid, because we had created that just beside the police. Only as the policeman in the driving licence it saw that we are not Amis were it of a punishing note to divert. To mexicanischen crossings needs one sowisoh much Fantasie around itself to get along and in the cities is very bad the way, if at all beschildert and we have ourselves a few times already inadvertently the city visited. Against the one-way to drive with us the habit became already correct. Also bypasses with building sites are not beschildert and with Pachuca, 100km noerddlich of Mexico town center, had we on an adventurous expedition by the mountains gone and were gladly after Geholper for hours again a road have found. We mostly stayed overnight in Sex motels, which give at the edge of each larger city. Those are very beautifully, clean and above all cheap. Each room has its own garage and the garage gate immediately discretely locked as soon as one in-drove. One pays with the Garagenzumacher in without and without form for announcing, between 200 and 350 pesos. After 12 hours are however conclusion with merry and one must out or pay. Usually we cooked in the garage. Poza Rica was for the time being our last city in the height. From there through ravines only downhill Rtg were. Gulf of Mexico and the vegetation became tropical and air very damp. The green of the jungle kills one nearly. Past at banana trees and Kokospalmen we reached the coast and found a camping site direct at the sea. We made only once few days a bath vacation around us from the long days of the last week to recover. The extreme air humidity lets the sweat flow with 25 degrees C in rivers. Day and night are equivalent warm. Everything is always damp and nothing dries. In the afternoon usually a pleasant wind blew. Nearly each night gave it a thunderstorm. The rain was warm like a shower and brought no cooling. The camping site is full Kokospalnen and one must watch out that one will not kill from a falling down fruit. In the afternoon it was usually cloudily, hot always was it. The soil is full land crabs. One can eat here very well and cheaply fish and sea fruits. After four days bath passport we drove to the far coast along and reached on a small side street the place Monte Pio, at the foot of an individual mountain with many clear brooks and Wasserfaellen, at the coast
We found a tiny camping site a few 100m in the interior in the middle in the jungle at a brook. , For us, very strange plants and it live here enormous insects, beetles grow as largely as sparrow EN without exaggeration! It has a very strange light and everything which in the shade is is invisibly. In the evening a dry wind of the mountain blew and dried our things. In the morning it was windless and tropical hot. After showering one does not have at all to dry oneself, because in the next instant one is again equivalent wet. Schwehr conceivable, but it is really like that! To noon an easy Lueftchem arose and we left this impressing place, after wire in few bananas freshness got given by tree. We hoped for something wind, but after few km consisted the road only of enormous stones. Modulation rate was announced. Now bring in only no plates! After the map we had still 70km up to the next main street. If continues in such a way need we more dsfuer two days. One which can be driven, because dry, well after one hour of Quaelerei gieng it on, jungle runway and sometime continued to be we Asfalt. Past in the narrowest place Mexicos with Coatzacoalcos went to a city surrounded by sump, in which heat and above all humidity achieved its past high point to Villahermosa. The people at the outskirts of a town in the Slums live up to the knees in the dirt. In the last days in the mountains had rained and some houses stood much under water. That away led us now Rtg. The south into the mountains. Through endless banana plan days went it slowly uphill. Then the Schemenhaften of outlines of the Montanas del Norte de Chiagas emerged in the distance from the vapor. Past at some poor sea-leagues localities with huts from corrugated sheet and simple Holzbarracken we came up. We passed fresh Murenabgaenge again and again. Partially by nebulas went more highly and more highly up and it became cool. On 1000m we could breathe deeply again once so correctly. We reached San Cristobal de read Casas on 2100m u M. we a place had expected and were located now in a city also over 130,000 inhabitants. There we a camping site did not find made ourselves we on the search for another overnight accomodation. There were hotels enough, but all looked quite expensive. We drove on the straight well-being into the old part of town. To find the lanes ever more narrowly and than we again once against the one-way drove made itself Tobias Fuiss on the way around a lodging and after few meters was already found the ideal accommodation. A youth hostel with inner court, where we can turn the motorcycles off. It is very cosy and we warden probably some days remains.

Km 37024