Svenska Deutch

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From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego
Alpencross 2007

since May 2006  

2007-10-25 From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego - Argentinia
Updated: 2007-11-14   PHOTOS

La Quiaca - Cordoba 18. - 24. Oktober 2007

Argentina, which was called only once concluded with the runway and finally Asfalt, right filling stations with real gasoline, real shops with real food, pay by credit card and campeggi, the first since the Gulf of Mexico!

On good Asfaltstrasse deals with broken shock absorber relatively quickly, and we made progress in one hour as much km, such as in Bolivia in a day.

We were still in the Hochwueste, but it was constantly slightly downhill and it was zusehens warmer and a little green.
The trees began to grow again, there were green fields and pastures with Kuehen and suddenly we are in Argentine Fruehsommer.

Our primary objective was now no longer the Passo Jama to Chile, but the repair of motorcycles. Also, the 1150s now lost oil from the fork, and so we went to the diversion to Chile over and tried our luck at the first major city of Salta, further south. They sent us from one workshop to the next and no one could help us.
It used nothing that we have in the 800km further south, the city of Cordoba where to try our luck.
In Argentina is just around the corner, for us rieser detour, as the route we also have to go back again, because we are in the north of Chile Atakama-Wueste not want to miss.

We left Salta on the 9th Ruta The road fuehrte through endless bush landscape. No city, no house, no camping opportunity.
Einbruch In the darkness, we saw a building with a large garden there, and asked whether our tent here for a night may establish.
We were now in a monastery with about 20 young Moenchen. They even gave us a room and we had a jolly evening with the men from across Sued- and Central America and of course had a lot on our trip tell.
In the morning we fruehstueckten with Moenchen. The breakfast consisted of black tea (mate cosinada) and dry bread. It took a while before we could start, because everyone wanted to be with the best wishes of us personally adopt and the boss said, we can always come back later and here uebernachten.

We were now on Seehoehe at 1000m and it was already hot in the morning and schwuehl Themperatur and then rose to about 40 degrees C.
After the dry cold of the Altiplano was for us a very nice hammer, and so we achieved good durchgeschmort Muncipial the camping in the city of Santiago del Estero, a huge park on the outskirts of the city.
With a lot of beer kuehlten our body and against ueberhitzten evening, the park slowly empty and yet we were the only guests, yet ...

As we strive to comfortably hold about 23 hours sleep wanted to put a car came by one run in the park. Everyone had a huge stereo system in the process of tables were set up and fire entzuendet. Each group celebrated their own party and everywhere plaerrte haemmerte and music in ohrenbeteubender Volume. From infant to the old man, all celebrated all night and into the early morning hours opened, the open-air disco next to their doors.
We midst of this hustle and bustle.
When we at 7 o'clock in the morning our stuff zusammenpackten most parties were still in full swing.

In Themperaturen pleasant than on the previous day, we drove further on the Ruta 9 towards the south by Busch landscape with cactus, fields and green pastures.

We reached the 1.5 mil. Residents Cordoba city on Sunday afternoon and a friendly moped driver showed us the way to BMW-Werkstatt and then brought us to Muncipial camp on the outskirts, ebenfals again a huge park full of people, without his help, we never found yelled.
Were we in Santiago del Estero still fully ignored, we were here immediately by a grape people surrounded and were bombarded with questions.
A family invited us for dinner and drinks Others brought.
When Argentine Assado vergieng the afternoon quickly and with a full belly, and with already severe tongue slowly, we had to repeatedly tell our story. A trinkfreudiges people, these Suedamerikaner ....
On the evening emptied at the park and remained there, and then we were able to our tent set up between the trees.

Next day we visited the BMW-Haendler. The spare parts for 650s must be ordered from Germany, and it takes at least 10 days until it arrives.
So we sit halt again, but it is to endure.
The summer weather is warm, in the park during the week is not much going on, the supermarket just around the corner and the Argentine steaks soooo delicious and especially the meat is very cheap in Argentina, as is usually the life, unless you need a new shock absorber. ...

Km: 52,201