We spent some beautiful days in Divide at aluminium and its family, inquired the area, worked on our side and enjoyed the days. On scarcely 3000m u M the autumn announced itself and it already became cool. After we eat with aluminium, Tarrah and Nathan in Colorado Springs in a genuinly German restaurant were, we broke 8 in the morning. September. with rain Rtg. The south up. We wanted after Taos in new Mexico on a BMW meeting, which took place there in a small Schiegebieht. We had somewhat differently imagined, so new Mexico with desert and Kakteen. We were still in the mountains on 2300m u M and it looked like at home. One surprised us then however still more: One had already expected us! The meeting consisted of approx. 600 people and we had much fun and had to tell our history again and again. We won also the price for the furthest journey. Nacxh weekend in Taos drove we far direction the south toward Alamogordo, where we Christian and Stefan, whom we had met in Sturgis, and that are stationed in Alamogordo with Luftwaffe, to visit wanted. Although Christian at home was not and one had expected us only one week later, we were allowed to remain and in the room of Christian's son let us nod quartered. Alamogordo is the place of birth of American space travel. We visited the air and space museum and the white Sandduenen at the edge of the city, where also a rocket test area and a runway are for the space shuttle. At Stefan and Familie we were invited also to Swedish Koettbullar. Ulli, likewise a German in Alamogordo, made service at our motorcycles and we some days for ordered tires to wait there had, drove we to Riodoso into the mountains. The motorcycle meeting with 16000 people, taking place there, we omitted, there us a geknatter certain motorcycle mark already on the nerves gieng. We found somewhat outside from Ruidoso a cosy place at a brook, where we spent the weekend. We added ourselves also more comfortable chairs, because on the tripod cross murderers whom we had, saw we no more future. Over to save we bought high chairs to place, because American children are larger and we have there also place in it. Afterwards we had after El Paso, at which drive mexicanischen border, since one had registered us with the entry into the USA only two, instead of three months stay. This was a ziehmlicher Spiessrutenlauf however we bl; ieben persistent and got finally still another one month in addition. Again back after Alamogordo. Our tires had arrived, but a front tire was unfortunately missing. We had to wait however no desire again one week and decided our luck in San Diego in Californien with a BMW dealer to try. We remained however nevertheless still a few days in Alamogordo on the Campground, since we had efficiently caught cold both by the air conditioning systems everywhere current on full power. We made and drove ourselves recovered ones on the way direction the west approx. 2000km by the desert from new Mexico, Arizona and Californien, the always close mexicanischen border. From Ulli from Alamogordo we had a very helpful book gotten with all (?) BMW dealers in north and South America and telephone numbers of owners of BMW, who place a place to the Campieren or other Annehmlichkeiten to order. Approx. 100km east of San Diego gieng it from the desert, which is partially under the sea level, in the mountains and it became again once pleasantly cool. In San Diego, that at the Pacific lies was damp and sticky warm it. After search for hours we found then finally a Campground outside of the city and got the last free space for one night. On the next morning we drove to the BMW dealer unfortunately on Monday closed. In our book we found the telephone number of the family Grossman, with which we could break our tent open. On the next day we got also directly all parts of the BMW dealer. Everything was storing, even tire and guidance head camp for the 650er, which we want to carry forward as reserve. From Ralf, one the German in San Diego poster company has got we stickers with our homepage address for the aluminum boxes made and we were allowed in its company the PC to use. In the next days we will enter Mexico….