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From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego
Alpencross 2007

since May 2006  

2008-02-22 From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego - Argentinien IV
Updated: 2008-02-22   PHOTOS

Viedma - Buenos Aires 19. Jan.- 16. Feb. 2008

Viedma Although the city itself is not very much to offer, we have it there for so very long.
Again and again we met nice people from Argentina and the rest of the world at the campsite.
Even Felipe, a Frenchman, which we very desperately, even back a long time, in Bariloche (Chile) had met, he had technical problems with his somewhat elderly campervan, stood one day on the course, together with Norbert from Germany .
Even with Oscar and his family, we often visit.
And just as in Argentina as usual, is an opportunity for every Asado held on German: it is grilled, and an occasion, we found almost daily.

At the Rio Negro, at the very gemaechlich campsite over and flows through the city and from the neighbouring city Patagones, a city with beautiful old Kollonialbauten, separates meet many people every day for bathing and relaxing. The dichtbewaldeten islands in the river, many animals Nist and Lebensraeume in the otherwise barren area.

A violent storm set a Tagers almost the entire camp 30cm deep under water and the soil knochentrockene, so much fluid is not in question, turned into mud.
We have prepared ourselves for a Evacuation, because the water is already up to a few
Cm come to our tent was and the Absis was already under water.
The gates of heaven will be closed but we still remained before the worst spared.
As the camp in a valley located abflusslosen it took several days until the water away and the mud slowly began to dry.

On 31 Jaenner we left this comfortable city and drove past the giant sunflowers and grain fields after Pehuen-co, a small town on the sea.

The streets are all unasfaltiert and sandy. The houses are between giant pines and Eukalyptusbaeumen one has the feeling somehow not in a place to be, but more like the middle of the forest.
The end of the Argentine vacation time had come and the camp site, the beginning still quite full, was empty slowly.
Somehow, we had the feeling 50 years in the past zuruekgereist to be. Most cars come from this time, or are even older and the whole atmosphere of this place is reminiscent of days long past ...
Of course, the time is not stopped, but there is also an Internet cafe and an ATM, but the city has what and is also among the Argentines an insider tip and we were often asked how we came here.
Of course with the motorcycle, how else ...?

The days we spent at sea and played with up to 2m high waves in the shallow sandy beach thunder. The currents are so strong that one has the feeling in a flow, and one can only reside in shallow water, or else you will fortgetrieben.
Before 12,000 years ago was to make a Suesswassersee and the sea was 150km away. The loamy soil of those days is too soft sandstone and you can become it Fussabdruecke of animals from that time, but know that this is such acts, because they otherwise uebersieht if you do not have to respect.
We have been very interested in the Argentine life stalk adjusted, ie: before 10 o'clock in the morning, nothing happens, ho, a siesta between 17 and 21 am and 23 pm will be only the roast for the fire breaks out.
Even in the "business street of the village before midnight, ho is nothing going on.
On weekends play musicians on the street and the lebensfreudigen Suedamerikaner dance in the sand until the morning.

Otherwise, it is very tranquil, quiet here. The streets only at the corners spaehrlich illuminated, listen to the sea noise and the stars sparkle in the sky, as it is only in South America do after the sun every evening in a praechtigen spectacle Rottoenen from the sea untergieng ....

On 14 February we left this paradise and made us back on track ..
Km kilometres around, we drove further north.
The climate is tropical moist slowly, the traffic is dense, and soon we were on the highway Vielspurigen lead us to our last destination of our journey brought to the heart of the 13 million inhabitants of Buenos Aires City.

KM: 69,184